Operation, Maintenance and Management of the Millbrook Water Supply and Wastewater Facilities RFP-PW-16-02 (Multi Year Contract) The Township of Cavan Monaghan is calling for complete proposals for the operation, maintenance and management of the Millbrook Water and Wastewater Facilities. The primary goal for this proposal is to obtain a multi year contract for the operation and maintenance of the municipal wells and water production, water distribution, standpipe operations, sanitary collection, pumping station operations and sewage plant operations. Sealed Proposals clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, October 26th, 2016. All tenders must be on Township forms which are available on the Township Website www.cavanmonaghan.net, by email upon request, or at the Township Municipal Office, 988 County Road 10, Millbrook, Ontario, L0A 1G0. Lowest or any proposal or any part thereof may not necessarily be accepted. For further information, contact: Wayne Hancock, Director of Public Works Township of Cavan Monaghan Phone 705-932-9327, Fax 705-932-3458 whancock@cavanmonaghan.net