HOUSTON'S NATURAL MEATS 3232 Burnham St N. Camborne village 905-342-2499 E-MAIL: info@houstonsnaturalmeats.ca Web www. houstonsnaturalmeats.ca Monday CLOSED Tuesday 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Wednesday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Thursday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday 10:00 am - 5:30 pm Saturday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday 11:00 am - 4:00 pm TERMS; Cash, Interact Debit, Visa, Mastercard Ok, Thanksgiving is over and this ad will be a Fall Roundup. So, we sold a lot of turkeys and already have great feedback. You might want to think about ordering your Christmas Turkey or Capon now. If you are thinking about a Goose decide early and let me know: they can get scarce quickly. Next seafood, we are looking at Oct 28th-29th for fresh seafood. If the fishery and demand hold up I will be bringing in fresh whole Ontario pickerel. Whole fish will be approx $9.95 lb. The average size is 2-4 lbs. I don't want to filet 60 lbs of fish so phone in your order ASAP. PORK; I have been preaching forever that if you want good meat, the animals must reach the abattoir unstressed. Recently a truck carrying 180 pigs overturned near a slaughterhouse killing about 80 pigs. The remaining pigs were marched to the slaughterhouse and their demise. Do you think they were stressed?-I guess. Now that meat was cut and sent to a Supermarket near you! If your pork is tough and dry now you know why. The corollary to that story is an animal activist was arrested at the scene for protesting. This same protester was already on trial for giving pigs a drink of water in June on a truck headed to the same slaughterhouse-mischief that time. So we have rules about keeping dogs in a vehicle in hot weather; but, we don't care about what we eat. The pork we sell is raised in a low stress environment and transported a short distance to the abattoir. Last night I saw on the news that there is a new game for criminals called Food Fraud. It cost U.S. consumers 30-40 billion per year; so it probably costs us a mere 3-4 billion. Although it is pervasive across the whole spectrum, the most of the fraud is in olive oil, honey, spices and fish. Olive oil is diluted with cottonseed oil; honey is diluted with corn syrup, spices are adulterated with all sorts of stuff, and fish is purposely mis labeled. The report suggested avoiding processed food and buying where you trust the supplier. - That would be me! One wiseacre wrote that he is going to grow his own food; but he can' find good bacon seed. If you follow my recipe column, I will be shifting to more wintery selections and our meat cuts will also follow that pattern. We have beef, chicken, duck, pork, lamb, bison & seafood that are excellent in taste and tenderness and have been raised with care by local farmers or Mennonite farmers in Heidelburg without the use of hormones and anti-biotics. If you are new to the area and don't know about our great products check us out on our website www.houstonsnaturalmeats.ca Our mission is to supply local meat that has been raised naturally with out drugs and hormones and by using humane practices. We offer one-stop local natural meat shopping !! Save your gas-just shop here We know where all our food comes from and how it is raised. The food we sell is also the food we eat! And I eat well! Special order items are our specialty. We receive fresh poultry & pork every Wednesday and beef & air-chilled on Friday. Call us Sunday for special orders the following weekend. Or E-mail me at info@houstonsnaturalmeats.ca Check the web at www.houstonsmeats.ca and check the Thursday edition of Northumberland Today for my weekly recipe.